Feb. 19, 2022

Very Local News Media

Very Local News Media

Local news has been hit hard the last decade, and from shifts in reporting to the availability of free classifieds, there are a lot of reasons why. In addition to being a gossip, I like to know what's going on in my community to feel a part of it. 

If you've moved to upstate New York, the Hudson Valley, Catskills or Berkshires, here are some local media to know about, most of whom have Twitter feeds to follow as well:

The Red Hook Daily Catch: First among equals, this is the daily online paper in our hometown, where I am lucky to have a regular advice column "Ask a Cidiot." With in-depth reporting on town government, business and culture, it's real local journalism so please support it (tax-deductible). | @dailycatch12571

The Albany Times-Union: This famous paper has expanded its Hudson Valley coverage, and now then Cidiot gets quoted, so I even pay for a subscription to it. | @hudsonvalley

The Poughkeepsie Journal: With wide distribution and in the county seat, it's an important paper to check out for local government coverage and sports. I subscribed for while.| @pokjournal

Hudson Valley One: This site has daily coverage and newsletters you can sign up for specific towns such as Kingston, New Paltz, Saugerties, and Woodstock. I also love its "Local History" column and its podcast, including this episode on the past and future of local journalism. 

The Other Hudson Valley: Roger Hannigan Gilson is an experienced freelance journalist who does thoughtful, in-depth stories no one else covers on this plug, plus coverage in the Times Union. I also support him through Patreon. | @ohudsonvalley

Daily Freeman: Another Hudson Valley newspaper; strong coverage of Ulster County in particular. | @dailyfreeman

Chronogram: An arts magazine based in Kingston, NY, good theatre, film, events coverage. And yes, Cidiot won 2021 Chronogrammie for best regional podcast. Please register for free so you can vote next year!

Hudson Valley Magazine: I love this monthly, subscribe to it, and sign up for its newsletters. Easy to get to know various towns you want to visit plus their "best doctors" etc features throughout the year have good lists. Well, except for best regional podcasts. They don't yet do that. | @hudsonvalleymag

IMBY (In My Back Yard): A local network of town sites across several counties and towns, including Columbia, Greene, and Berkshire, driven by readers submissions. I interviewed the founders in Episode 45. | @imbycentral

Trixie's List: Events and local listings out in Hudson, NY. They covered Cidiot's first Podcasting 101 Workshop in May 2022. | @trixieslist

The Berkshire Eagle: Newspaper for the Berkshires in Massachusetts. Traces roots back to 1789 in Stockbridge, MA. 


Daily Yonder: This isn't Hudson Valley specific, but I love this site's coverage of rural America and follow it closely. Cidiot was recently interviewed with a Rural Life Q&A. | @dailyyonder

Northwest Dutchess Voice: Serves part of the area and has a busy feed. 

Hudson Valley Post: I followed this for awhile, but it didn't stand out to me.

Travel & Leisure: This monthly magazine often has good relevant pieces, including this 2021 one by Jonah Beyer, "I Moved From the City to the Country—Here are 6 Things I Wish I Knew."

Event calendars are actually the trickiest since, from Chronogram and HudsonValleyOne's to radio stations such as WKZE and Radio Woodstock, there are so many to try to follow and no one perfect source. 

Have more suggestions? Would love to keep this rich and current. Send a note through the Contact page.