July 21, 2022

72. Flatlanders

72. Flatlanders
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72. Flatlanders

Is there an equivalent for cidiots in Maine? Yes there is! In fact, Mainers have their own dictionary of phrases I was excited to learn on our two-week vacation. It got me thinking about doing nothing and doing everything. I'll share my update on our to-do list and Robinson Greig sends in an update from Greig Farm.  

Other links:

  • Discover Upstate Art Weekend July 22-24, 2022. Info here.
  • Thanks to our sponsor Hudson Valley Kitchen and Design Center. Mention Cidiot for $500 off your project $5,000 or more. Info here.
  • Send in a quick birthday message to Cidiot with the microphone at Cidiot.com

My favorite Mainer phrases:

  • "From Away" - from somewhere elsewhere than Maine
  • "Flatlander" - someone raised at low altitude
  • "Happier than a clam at high tide" - happy
  • "Tighter than a bark on a tree" - tight
  • "All stove to hell" - in bad shape